The Tree and the Crown of Life

October 17 2021

Scripture reading from Revelation 2:1-11

Read sermon text: Here

Reflection Questions 

  1. The modern message in the US Church wants to make being a Christian an easy thing. Jesus will just make your life better, so “receive him into your heart.” In what ways does the message Jesus has for the Churches in Ephesus and Smyrna confront that modern message?
  2. What do we need to remember? From what do we need to repent?
  3. Imagine that Jesus has a message for the angel of Emmaus Church of Smithville. What are some of the things Jesus might say? I need your help on this because it might be the subject of the next sermon.
  4. Where else is the “tree of life” mentioned in scripture? After reading those passages, what are the big picture implications?
  5. What is the crown of life?
  6. How can we be overcomers?

Graphics accompanying the sermon:

2021 10 17 Sermon Slides The Tree and the Crown of Life

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