Who Are You Looking For?
Who Are You Looking For?
Scripture reading from John 20:1-18
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1) After Mary Magdalene’s report, John gets to Jesus’ tomb first, but does not go inside. When Peter gets there, he immediately enters. How does the scant information in this scene reveal and confirm what we know and can know about these three people?
2) When John went in, he saw and believed. And still, “they did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.” There is a tension here between believing and understanding. Explore that tension. Have you ever wrestled with belief and understanding?
3) There have been various explanations given for Mary not recognizing Jesus right away. How would you explain this?
4) While both the angels and Jesus ask Mary why she is crying, Jesus connects it with the follow-up question, “Who is it you are looking for?” How did you find Jesus?