About Emmaus

When and Where are services?

Worship service is held at 10:00 AM every Sunday.  Everyone is welcome of any age or from any background.  You do not need to be a member of any church to attend.  

The church is located at 706 E Moss Mill Road in Smithville, Atlantic County, New Jersey.  We are at the corner of Route 9 and Moss Mill Road, a few hundred feet from the Smithville Inn.  There is ample parking in our paved lot directly behind the church, at out main entrance.

What do I expect?

We have a traditional and friendly service.  You are always welcome.

What do I wear?

Dress comfortably. You will feel right at home wearing anything from jeans to business casual.

Where can I find out more information about the church?

You can call the church office at 609-748-1917 or e-mail to Emmaus.umc@Comcast.net.

If you would like to discuss any matters concerning your own faith questions

and/or becoming a member of Emmaus, please contact

Pastor Ginnie Keiser at 


The people of Emmaus want to give you a warm welcome to our family.

Luke chapter 24 of the Bible, tells about two people walking from Jerusalem to the town of Emmaus.  They were sharing their worries, doubts, and discouragement when a stranger walked up to them, listened to them and talked with them.  After spending time with the stranger, they realized it was the crucified and resurrected Jesus they were talking with.  Where ever you are traveling, whatever doubts you have, come to Emmaus; come to see Jesus, the risen Son of God, who will listen, and give you peace and understanding.

Emmaus Church traces its history to 1790 when the first Methodist congregation was established in Smithville with about 12 members. The first church building was located next to the Smithville Inn, then a stage coach stop and according to old church history, worshipers “were often disturbed by the music of the violin and the merry feet of dancers” so another lot was purchased and a church built on Moss Mill Road, west of route 9. One building on that site burned and a second building was used until the current sanctuary was built in 1869.

At the time the church was established, Methodist congregations were served by circuit riding preachers who traveled by horseback from one church to another throughout the region. The circuit rider might only visit a congregation once a month and sometimes even less often. Services were held on what ever day of the week the was in the area.

Methodist congregations had a local “class leader” who provided spiritual support between visits of the circuit rider. Richard Leeds was the first class leader in 1790 and the first local preacher of the church in Smithville. He continued to preach until he was unable to do so due to advanced age and failing health.  He died in 1857 at age 85. By his own request, he was buried directly behind the church and near the pulpit where he so often preached.

The current sanctuary was built in 1869 on a half acre of ground at a total cost of $4,500.  A dedication service was held on January 4th, 1870, a Tuesday, likely because that was the day the circuit riding presiding elder, David Bartine was in the area.

A bell was added to the bell tower in 1890.  It was cast by the McShane Bell Foundry of Baltimore  Md. and the inscription on the bell reads “Let Him that Hearth Say Come”.

The sanctuary is admired for it’s detailed woodworking, including a cross on the ceiling that spans the entire length and width of the building.

Through more than 225 years and 85 preachers there have been changes from wood stoves, to coal stoves, to oil, to gas, additions of electricity and running water but the mission remains the same: To Preach, Teach and Model a Life-Giving Gospel.