Bearing the Name
Bearing the Name
Scripture reading from Revelation 3:7-13
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Sermon Reflection Questions
1) Here we have Jesus, the one who holds the key of David. In Revelation 1, we have Jesus, the one who holds the keys of death and Hades. What do the keys signify? Why is it important that Jesus holds them?
2) Open and shut, open and shut – what is being revealed?
3) This is the second time we hear about the “synagogue of Satan.” Where is the first time? What might this reference? This is followed by Jesus saying they will submit and acknowledge Jesus’ love for the Church in Philadelphia. How is this significant?
4) What is the hour or trial that is going to come upon the whole world? Endure patiently, hold on, overcome and you will be made a pillar in the temple of God. How does this make you feel?
5) What is in a name?