The First and the Last
The First and the Last
October 10 2021
Sermon Text
Scripture reading from Revelation 1:10-20
Read sermon text: Here
Reflection Questions
- Write down all the names of Jesus you can think of.
- Why are there so many names for Jesus?
- Imagine that Jesus has a message for the angel of Emmaus Church of Smithville. What are some of the things Jesus might say? I need your help on this because it might be the subject of the next sermon.
- What images in Revelation 1:10-20 intrigue you the most? Explain why.
- The Apostle John, “the one Jesus loved,” is totally overcome when he sees Jesus here. Is this surprising? Explore and explain why this might be.
Graphics accompanying the sermon:
2021 10 10 Sermon Graphics The First and the Last (002)